News ID: 307
Publish Date : 29 August 2017 - 09:41

How do Iranian Part Makers enter export Global Markets?

In recent years, Iran’s part making industry supplied the domestic needs of the country and some experts believe that the automotive part makers have the potential to enter the global markets.
Khodrocar – In recent years the Part Making Industry was able to supply the domestic needs, thanks to the strategic plan of Ministry of Industry, Mining and Trade and now it has reached a level which can enter the global markets.

On the other hand, according to the new contracts, the new cars which are coming to Iran’s market are appointed to be produced domestically and 30 percent of them are going to be exported. 

Researches show that the key for Iranians part makers for entering the global markets is to sign new contracts with international major companies.

Sasan Ghorbani told Khodrocar journalist regarding this issue: The first thing is to recognize and observe the goals of target markets; Things like technology, Up-to-date management in manufacturing units and providing trusted services.

Ghorbani continued: The progress of production units in global markets strongly depends on the laws and management of the country's industrial system.

He stated: Production units should become up-to-date, make progress and expand their activity beside the government’s involvement in the process of product imports.

This activist emphasized: The conversion of Iran to the production and manufacturing base of the region will bring many benefits to the country's economy. Expansion of the companies’ knowledge is possible only with research and communication with the global companies.

He reiterated: Iran has a decent manpower and a good geographical location which is a key factor for becoming the center of production and export of the region. The cheap fuel and energy create favorable condition for production and exports in partnership with international partners.